Cleaning Services

As Above So Below offers professional cleaning services for monuments and stones. We use only safe cleaning methods that Do No Harm! We use only safe and proven effective cleaning agents, soft bristle brushes, and the most important tool of all – Elbow Grease. If you would like to see the methodologies we employ then the methodologies page is for you, and you can also contact us for details on how we can help you with your project.

Restoration Services

Often times we find older stones that have suffered damage over the years. The damage we often times see can be from the activity of vandals, or from people carelessly caring for the cemetery – mowers do much damage to headstones. As Above So Below has the experience and expertise to restore headstones in a safe manner that will lengthen the life of the stone by decades. If you have a restoration project then contact us for more information on how we can help you with your monument restoration project.

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