Enhancing an Inscription

A lot of people like to photograph old cemeteries, and sometimes those aged inscriptions are hard to read. If you care about history and respecting the dead then using any type of chemical or abrasive to enhance or clean an inscription should be avoided at all cost, DO NO HARM! As you can see in our slider pics that armour-all is not good for a stone, and it isn’t good to leave the wipe lying around for others to clean up either.

Here is an example of using the sun and a mirror to enhance an inscription. As you can see the light creates areas of contrast enhancing the view of the engraving. This technique WORKS and most of all it is safe for the stone!

Using your cell phone is a great way to enhance a stone. As you can see using an off camera flash can greatly enhance the readability of a monument or stone. Using the off camera flash you get great results and most of all you DO NO HARM!

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