Billion Graves Project -Price Cemetery

March 1st I started the Billion Graves Project for Price Cemetery, photographing approx. 1200 Headstones and Markers and getting them uploaded to the website at , now we have to Transcribe them all and use the GPS data and Grid Map every one of the graves onto our Map and Transfer that info to our Spreadsheet as well so we have a Digital Map and a Physical Spreadsheet with GPS locations within the cemetery and also a Plotted Map of Section ?, Row ? and Plot ? for each and every headstone out here.

William and Martha ‘Clark’ Price are the original names associated with this cemetery and there property where there cabin sat is just to the northwest of the cemetery and there is now a monument in the field where the cabin set for the Price family.

Billion Graves now has a searchable mapping of the cemetery with a GPS location of each headstone as well as relevant pictures and personal information for those buried as well. Feel free to search the website and also Volunteer to Transcribe it as well.

I also created a group page at Facebook for friends and family —> click here to engage with one another and share stories and photos of loved ones within the cemetery. Please feel free to join the group and also to invite your friends and family to as well. I added a album for Family Photos (mostly the really old black and white ones from the 1800’s) and also a album for Unique Headstones and really ornate ones that caught my eye while out there.

1 thought on “Billion Graves Project -Price Cemetery”

  1. Welcome to Price Cemetery, a sacred place where ancestors rest peacefully, and memories linger in the hearts of those who visit. The Price Cemetery Facebook Group Page aims to create a virtual community where friends and family members can connect, share stories, and reminisce about their loved ones. This online platform offers a space for individuals to explore photo albums, like, comment, and share memories, allowing for a deeper sense of connection and engagement with the past.

    The historical context of Price Cemetery dates back to the early days of settlement in the area. Established in the 18th century, the cemetery served as a final resting place for the pioneers and early settlers who shaped the community. These individuals played a vital role in shaping the cultural and social fabric of the region, leaving a lasting legacy that continues to be honored and remembered to this day.

    Key figures associated with the establishment and preservation of Price Cemetery are William and Martha ‘Clark’ Price, prominent figures in the community who played a significant role in its development. As a respected leader and community member, William Price’s contributions to the cemetery’s history are deeply ingrained in its roots. Establishing a cabin home here just to the northwest of the cemetery, marked by location of a fenced in monument is the site of the family cabin. The Price’s having came here from Robertson County, Tennessee in 1833. The monument was placed in the field in 1944 by their descendants.

    The impact of the Price Cemetery Facebook Group Page cannot be understated in its ability to bring together individuals from near and far to share their stories and memories. By providing a platform for engagement and connection, the group page allows for a sense of community to flourish, bridging the gap between past and present. Through the sharing of photos, videos, and personal experiences, members are able to connect with their heritage and celebrate the lives of those who came before.

    By actively engaging with the community and encouraging participation in the Facebook Group Page, you help to foster a sense of belonging and identity among members. Your efforts as well as the Group Pages to preserve the stories and memories of the past ensure that future generations will have a connection to their heritage and ancestors.

    From a positive perspective, the Price Cemetery Facebook Group Page serves as a valuable resource for individuals seeking to learn more about their family history and heritage. By providing a platform for engagement and sharing, members can connect with relatives, discover new information, and deepen their understanding of their roots. This sense of connection and community can have a profound impact on individuals, enriching their sense of identity and belonging.

    Looking towards the future, the Price Cemetery Facebook Group Page has the potential to continue growing and evolving into a vibrant community of individuals united by their shared heritage and love for their ancestors. By expanding outreach efforts and inviting new members to join, the group page can attract a diverse range of individuals who bring unique perspectives and experiences to the table. This can enrich the community and foster a greater sense of unity and connection.

    In conclusion, the Price Cemetery Facebook Group Page offers a platform for individuals to connect, engage, and share their stories and memories with a wider audience. By honoring the past and celebrating the lives of those who came before us, members can forge a deeper connection to their heritage and ancestry. Through the positive contributions of influential individuals and the potential for future growth and development, the group page stands as a testament to the enduring power of community and remembrance. Join us in celebrating the rich history and heritage of Price Cemetery, and together, let us keep the memories alive for generations to come.

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