Cleaning Headstones – Do No Harm – Step By Step

Cleaning headstones or grave markers is an important part of monument maintenance and upkeep. This process could beneficially extend the life of a headstone and help maintain its readability. Here’s how to clean headstones with D2 Biological Solution and Pre-Wash with Orvus Paste and water mix if necessary. Always use these Do No Harm methods versus opting for the cheaper “instantly white” store purchased cleaners that are doing more harm than good to the headstones. Unlike the cheaper Walmart and Amazon products that say they are for cleaning headstones, D2 Biological Solution has actually been TESTED and APPROVED for use to safely clean headstones.

Most of these other cheaper versions of Headstone Cleaners actually do more harm than good, as many will eat the protective outer “skin” off of like marble stones and have additives that leave behind a plastic/rubber coating that seals the headstone preventing its natural wicking ability which is needed to slow down the deterioration process. Adding a Teflon Layer over the headstones skin and sealing it because your too cheap to spend the extra $5 to get a bottle of D2 shows you have no business cleaning historic memorials and headstones and probably should pick a different hobby that doesn’t include violating Illinois Statutes and the Cemetery Care Act pertaining to what is essentially Vandalism, which is a felony.

p.s. – on a side note – if you can’t afford the D2 then call or message me and I will give you some to ensure the cleaning process is done safely and correctly.

Materials Needed:

D2 Biological Solution

Orvus Paste (if needed)

Soft bristle brushes (Do not use hard plastic or wire brushes. Horse Hair or Tampico Brushes are preferred)

Bucket of clean water (I use Spring Water only from a natural Spring due to tap water having so many chemicals in it, including bleach)

Spray bottle or Garden Sprayer (very low p.s.i.)

Step-by-Step Instructions:

1. Initial Inspection: Inspect the headstone before starting any cleaning process. If the stone is chipping, cracking, or looks unstable, do not attempt to clean it. Some of these headstones are actually historically old and very delicate. There are many cases where the method of cleaning recommended is to NOT clean but to just Spray with D2 and let it do the work for you without taking the chance of harming the headstone. Remember, safety first – for yourself and the headstone itself as well.

a) Take ‘Before’ picture of the headstone – how you found it.

2. Initial Rinse: Begin by rinsing the headstone thoroughly with clean water from your spray bottle or garden sprayer. It is best to use low pressure water to avoid damaging the stone. Never use Power Washers as the pounds per square inch (p.s.i.) are way too high for many older historic or damaged stones. It only takes a second to damage a stone beyond repair, especially the very old delicate ones.

3. Pre-Washing with Orvus Paste: If the headstone has a substantial amount of grime or dirt, use Orvus paste. Mix a small amount of the paste with water until it forms a soapy liquid. Apply the mixture to the surface of the stone using a soft bristle brush, gently scrubbing in a circular motion. Never use a wire brush as it can damage the stone. We use Horse Hair or Tampico Brushes (Tractor Supply, Farm~n~Fleet) as they are soft and safe. A picture of one I use is shown below. One of my personal favorites as it has a 3 sections, 2 of which bend and a strap to keep it in place in your hand.

4. Rinse after Pre-Washing: Rinse the headstone thoroughly with water. Ensure all the Orvus Paste residue is removed before proceeding to the next step. If needed, rinse again.

5. Applying D2 Biological Solution: Spray a liberal amount of the D2 solution on the headstone’s surface. Use your soft bristle brush to gently scrub the stone, working the solution into all crevices and lettering.

6. Let it Sit: Let the D2 biological solution sit for 10-15 minutes but do not let it dry. Keeping it wet lengthens the contact time and increases its effectiveness. Don’t be alarmed if the stone starts to change colors (usually a orange like tone), that’s what we call the D2 Blush and its just the D2 working inside the stone to kill off the algae and lichen.

7. Scrubbing with D2 Solution: After letting it sit, gently scrub the surface again with your brush. The D2 biological solution is specifically designed to remove biological growth like mold, mildew, lichen, and algae.

8. Final Rinse: Rinse the headstone thoroughly with fresh water.

a) Spray headstone down with a misting of D2 Biological Solution top to bottom and leave on.

9. Drying: Let the headstone air dry.

a) Take ‘After’ picture of the headstone – how you left it !

10. Repeat if Necessary: If the headstone is still not clean, you can repeat the process. It’s important to remember that some older stones may not return to their original condition. your goal should not be to get it to return to looking brand new, if it does that’s great but your just cleaning it and making more easily readable.

Note: Always wear protective clothing, gloves, and safety glasses while using cleaning solutions. Again, remember Safety First and at all times, especially if your working alone.

D2 Biological Solution

Orvus Paste mixed with water

Bendable Horse Hair or Tampico Brush

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