Mower and Vault Diggers / Mini Dozers

One of the most heart breaking things to see in a cemetery is totally preventable damages. Sometimes it’s knocked over and smashed into the soil with mower tracks on them, or headstones with tire marks sliding up the sides or flat bronze markers just squished further and further into the soil from being driven on. The multi-tier monuments require twice as much work to repair after being hit by the mower decks, then repeatedly ran into and scratched or gouged by the decks. The worst is seeing actual chunks missing from the blades of the mower.

Personally, I always find this very sad and completely disrespectful. These are people who have built our communities around us and sacrificed so much and they deserve to be treated better than this. That is our history, and our ancestors not just marble and stone.

I’ve always said why don’t towns demand that bumpers be placed on the mowers, something like a thick plastic strip attached to decks or a flat pool noodle section ziptied to the deck of the mowers would at least place a cushion of some sorts between the 250 lb man on a 800-1000 lb riding mower going as fast as he possibly can so he can get to his next Cemetery job. What do you think?

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